Village pan is one of the most popular and the most tasty Macedonian dishes. There are many recipes of village meat and everyone makes it according their own taste. It's a traditional Macedonian dish, basically consisted of meat and onion. It is usually prepared in winter.

  • 1 kg fresh pork (35 oz)
  • 300 g fresh mushrooms champignons (10.5 oz)
  • 1 kg of chopped onion (35 oz) if you want more onions since it melts during baking, add 1 kilo plus
  • 6-7 dried peppers
  • 100 ml white wine (half cup)
  • 100 ml water (half cup)
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable seasoning
  • black pepper 
  • salt to taste 
  • 250 g grated cheese (9 oz)
  • fresh parsley
I have to admit that I don't put mushrooms, but instead I add more dried peppers for more  rustic taste. I'm allergic to mushrooms.


  1. The meat is cut into pieces in desired size and cooked in a saucepan on hot oil or fat.
  2. Once the meat is lightly browned, move it aside and cook onions, mushrooms and dried peppers in the same fat just to soften. Add salt, spices and vegetable seasoning.
  3. Pour everything into an earthenware dish. Then add wine and water and close the pot with aluminum foil or suitable cover. Bake in the oven at 180 - 200 C (350 F) degrees for approximately 3 hours.
  4. Before the end when most of the liquid is vaporized and the meat is soft, add grated cheese on top and place uncovered in oven again until it gets a beautiful golden yellow color. Sprinkle fresh parsley on top.
  5. I suggest red Macedonian wine with this dish. Enjoy!

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