A dessert that will bring you back memories from your childhood. Candied apples or as we called them shekjerni jabolka (sugar apples) were my favorite dessert when I was a kid and I had the privilege to eat one only on holidays or when circus came to town, when they were available for sell. We ate them, our parents ate them and now our kids love them. Here's how to make them at home.
candied apples

  • 10 small apples 
  • 1 kg of sugar 
  • 10 sticks 20 cm long 
  • 1 sachet red color for food
  1. Wash apples well, I suggest you use organic apples if available. Remove handles and insert a stick in the middle of the apple.
  2. Put sugar in a pot and caramelize it until it gets pale yellow color. Be careful not to burn it. Add red color, stir and remove from fire. 
  3. Immediately dip and roll each apple in the prepared caramel and place on a baking paper. 
  4. Leave to cool and to harden well.
  5. Enjoy the taste of childhood!

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