I love dishes like this, based on vegetables, where you can make your own variations. This recipe doesn't include zucchini, but since I had one in the fridge, I put it too. The richer variant would include eggs and cheese for topping.

  • 7-8 peppers
  • 1 larger eggplant
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • 300 ml of tomato puree
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • spices to taste, black pepper, salt
  • parsley
  1. First, cut the peppers in pieces and fry.
  2. Once they are fried, remove them from the pan and in the same oil fry the eggplant cut in stripes. 
  3. After the eggplant is fried, remove from the pan and put the chopped onion and chopped peeled tomatoes to fry. Add tomato puree, garlic and spices and add larger amount of chopper parsley.
  4. Then align the fried veggies into a fire-resistant dish in the following order: the first row is eggplant, then peppers, then tomatoes, then again a row of eggplant, then peppers and finish with tomatoes.

  5. Put to bake at 250 C degrees just to get a thin crust on top.
  6. Combine with sheep cheese and warm bread.

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