This is one of the most famous cakes in Macedonia, the Milka cake. Is there anyone that doesn't like the Milka chocolate? Not that I know :)
  • 7 egg whites
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 150 g ground roasted hazelnuts
  • 50 g crushed biscuits
  • 1sachet baking powder
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 7 egg yolks
  • 3+3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 40 g vanilla pudding powder
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 125 g butter
  • 100 g Milka chocolate with hazelnuts
  • 100 g of white Milka chocolate
For the biscuit
  1. Whisk the egg whites with the sugar and vanilla sugar nicely into a solid whipped cream. 
  2. Then gradually add the ground hazelnuts, biscuits and the baking powder and mix well with a spatula or wooden spoon. 
  3. Pour this mixture into the oven tray lined with baking paper and bake for 10 minutes at 180 C degrees. 
  4. Once removed from the oven, leave to cool nicely and cut into 3 equal strips.
For the cream
  1. Whisk 7 egg yolks with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 1 vanilla sugar. 
  2. Boil 600 ml of milk on the side and add 3 tablespoons of sugar. 
  3. To the boiling milk, add the pudding with 4 tablespoons of flour previously dissolved in 200 ml of milk, mix well until thickened and finally add the previously beaten yolks. 
  4. Mix well and remove the mixture on the side and immediately divide into 2 parts.
  5. Put dark chocolate in one part, white in the other and mix well until chocolate is melted. Cover with nylon foil and cool nicely. 
  6. After they cool down nicely, whisk 125 g of butter or margarine on the side and put half of the butter in the white filling, whisk well, and put the other half of the butter in the dark filling and whisk it nicely as well.
Arranging the cake
Take one strip of the sponge cake, coat it with 1/3 of white filling, then apply from the brown filling. The same is repeated with the other 2 crusts and the whole cake is coated with the brown filling. If desired, coat the whole cake with whipped cream.

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