Today's Russian salad has very little in common with the original recipe, which remained a secret for its ingredients even till today. As such, it underwent certain modifications. But basically, the following recipe is the most used in Macedonia. This salad is served and often made for some bigger occasions and holidays. For example, New Year. I can't imagine a New Year's Eve without Russian salad and warm homemade kifli. This salad is paired with kifli, you have to have them both.

You can adjust the recipe and increase or decrease the amount of the ingredients. 

  • 300 g potatoes
  • 300 g carrots
  • 300 g peas
  • 300 g pickles
  • 300 g ham
  • 300 g cheese
  • 300 g mayonnaise
  1. Boil all vegetables (not the pickles), make sure the vegetables are not overcooked to retain their shape, then finely chop on as much smaller cubes. 
  2. Chop ham and cheese and mix in a deep bowl. 
  3. Chop pickles.
  4. Add the mayonnaise in the end and mix well. If you want to add something else, also stir into the mixture. Some add boiled eggs to the salad.
  5. Serve into deeper bowls or as you wish. Coat with a thin layer of mayonnaise and decorate as desired. Keep refrigerated until serving.

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