Do you love chocolate? Is there anyone that can resist chocolate? Even now when I write this recipe, my mouth waters :) My  kids love chocolate, mom and dad too. Here's a simple recipe for this sweet treat that you have to try at home. It will save you some cash too :)

  •     500 g sugar
  •     250 ml water
  •     250 g butter
  •     100 g cocoa
  •     500 g of milk powder
  •     optional: pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, expanded rise ...
  1. Put sugar and water to boil. Pull pot to the side and melt butter in it, return briefly on low heat. 
  2. Mix milk powder with cocoa (first sieve both products), then united them with the mixture in the pot by constantly stirring. Pour into greased molds, preferably silicone, but not necessarily, you can use plastic foil or pan, which of course should be a little greased. I use regular pan mostly..
  3. If you want you can first put nuts in the molds, then add the chocolate mixture. Leave to tighten nice for at least one day. Add vanilla if desired, countless combinations can be made with aranchini, extracts ... I gave you the base, so now it's up to you to combine and use your imagination!.

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