It happens very often to have an old bread at home that we usually toast
or we don't know how to use. But don't worry, smart people came up with
this great recipe how to convert old bread into a delicious pie.
We call them "przheni lepcinja so jajca" or "przhenici" :) Very very
famous food in Macedonia, usually served for breakfast. This is one of
the best ways to use stale bread. The best is if bread is two days old.
I prepared this bread today, I had an old bread I bought 2 days ago. I
checked what's in the fridge and decided to prepare it with cheese and
olives. It was awesome! I give stale bread to the birds outside many
times, but sorry birds, today I kept this one for myself and baked it :)
So, this is a bread 2 days old, it's a 500 g bread. Since I
have a big toaster, I thought why not make a huge toast instead of
cutting it to pieces and make 10 smaller ones. The bread was round and
it fitted perfect in my toaster. If bread is long and doesn't fit in
your toaster, just cut off the edges.
This dish can be served as a side dish or as warm appetizer before lunch. It is a very tasty bread with melted cheese on top, garlic and spices.
This is a great appetizer for guests, as well as an opportunity to use old bread. It also goes well with barbecue and to be honest - with everything :)

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