One of the most common main dishes here, no one can resist juicy pork chops with mouth-melting potatoes. I prepared this dish with fresh pork chops and young potatoes. Before frying pork chops, put them in a bowl, add oil, salt and spices and leave for 1 hour.

  • 3 larger pork chops (for 3 people)
  • 1,5 kg young potatoes 
  1. Wash potatoes well. Don't peel them. Preheat oven at 250 C degrees. Put potatoes in a baking pan, add oil and salt and mix. Put to bake and mix occasionally while baking (2-3 times). Baking time is about 45 minutes, until golden brown.
  2. While potatoes are baking, put a frying pan to warm up.
  3. Put pork chops in the frying pan to fry at medium - low heat. Turn on both sides 2 times. They are ready when all the liquid from the pan is gone and when pork-chops got beautiful brown color. I bake them half time covered with a lid, and half time uncovered. That way they become even juicier.
  4. Serve warm with salad.

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