St. Constantine and Elena is one of the most important Christian holidays. Today orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena.
Emperor Constantine and his mother Queen Helena were declared saints equal to the apostles by the Holy Church for their contribution in recognition and dissemination of Christianity.
Emperor Constantine is among the most important figures in the history of mankind, because after a long persecution of Christianity he is the first emperor in the great Roman empire that recognized this faith.
The First Council of Nicaea was a council of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. This first ecumenical council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom, although previous councils, including the first Church council, the Council of Jerusalem, had met before to settle matters of dispute.It was presided over by Hosius, bishop of Corduba who was in communion and agreement with the pope.

Marko Cepenkov noted that in Prilep St. Constantine and Helen were patrons of bazrigjanskiot (trade) guild. Their holiday which they called 'The Holy Kings " was honored on May 21 (old style).

Under the monastery St. Naum - Wonderworker, to the lake, there's a spring with healing water. According to this belief, that water is always healing, but mostly on St.Constantine and Elena holiday.

According to one legend, St. Naum told the father of a bald girl to go to the Day of Saints Constantine and Helena under the rock where this water was flowing and to wash the girl. So she did and was immediately healed and beautiful and thick hair grew on her head.

"Since then the feast of St. Helena and Kostadin people come regularly to wash with water from the spring under the rocks of the monastery St. Naum. This water is healing and all other days, but mostly on the holiday, "concluded folk storytellers.

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