Galicka svadba or Galicnik wedding is an event which is held every year on the holiday St. Peter's (12 July) in the Miak center Galichnik on Bistra Mountain.

It is rich in many unique wedding customs and rituals. In the days of the wedding, pipes and drums echo in the sound of "Teshkoto" (old folk dance), with all the underground and aboveground sounds spreading towards the stones of Bistra and towards the sky.

Galichnik wedding in its existence contributed to nourish the only wedding customs and rituals of the inhabitants of this region, to preserve the folk songs, dances, and a famous Galicnik costume, made with filigree precision and accuracy of the tailors. Each year a special committee selects two young people getting married in Galicnik wedding. One of the prerequisites is that at least one of the youngsters come from Galic family.

Each year during the Galicnik wedding, are made large number of customs that characterize this wedding: the beating of drums, mother in law folk dance (svekrvino oro), carrying the bride to the water, setting the wedding flag, invitation of the dead, shaving the groom, taking the bride, kneading the bread, wedding in the church "Sv. Peter and Paul (Sveti Petar i Pavle)" and other customs that are slowly dying, but contain and hide many details of the life in Galichnik in the past.

Galichnik now has only two inhabitants, but on St.Peter's day (Petrovden) come thousands of visitors and tourists who come to see this Galicnik wedding.

This years, traditional Galicnik wedding will be held on July 16.

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