Founded by the Macedonian king Philip II of Macedonia in the IVth century b.c., the city was a developed military-strategic center of northwest border of the Macedonian area Linkesida (nowadays Bitola Pole). Situated on the most important thoroughfare of the time, the Via Egnatia, Heraklea became the most important station in the region.

Portico of the Court (the end of the III century), in which are placed the statues of the first priest of Heraclea Titus Flavius ​​Orestes and the statue of the goddess of justice and destiny Nemesis, are the first structures that welcome visitors in Heraclea. The aqueduct (from the IV century) through the street is leading up to the Term (from the beginning of the IV century) with three rooms, a feature of everyday dimension of human life and hygiene of that period.

 The small Basilica with its modest dimensions, is only one of the Christian churches that leads to the Great Basilica, near the baptismal font and in other rooms of this imposing building.

Heraklea Lyncestis is a cultural treasure in the Balkans. Its archaeological heritage is diverse and rich. Here are mixed the Hellenic period and the Roman period which creates the only truth about this city where alternately can be seen buildings from one time or another, where there are pillars and mosaics of about 160 square meters. Today Heraklea Lyncestis is an important archeological site and a place of many cultural events.
The floor mosaics presented in the churches are connected to those of the episcopal residence, filled with thousands of tiny stones set in perfect harmony.

 Theatrical shows from the underground and from the heavenly world, were deeply felt in the theater complex. Following the configuration of the terrain, its architect succeeded in adjusting the twelve rows of seats, the honorable lodge, stage and orchestra which brings this building to the point of perfection.

All photos are under copyright of Macedonian Cuisine

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