Archaeological site "Tatikev Stone", today known as Megalithic Observatory Kokino (according to astronomical analyzes which have confirmed its use as a place from where characteristic positions of the sun and moon are tracked and marked ) is as bronze age observatory, located near the village Kokino, within the municipality Staro Nagoricane, about 35 km northeast from Kumanovo. The space that megalithic observatory occupies is just below the mountain peak Tatikev Kamen with dimensions 90 m from east to west and 50 meters north-south. Seen in the 3rd dimension, the contents of the observatory is located in two platforms: east and west from which eastern platform is 20 m higher than the western. Considering the meaning of the rocky ridges on which peaks are markers with great archeo-astronomical value, it can be argued that the ancient observatory includes interior described by Isohipses 980 m. The geographical coordinates of the site are 42 ° 15'47 "northern latitude and 21 ° 57 '32' eastern longitude.

The site is situated on a neo-volcanic hill (1013 m altitude) which dominates over its surroundings. The rocks are created with hardening of lava, which leaked from a volcanic crater. Time and erosion have made cracks and part of these cracks were the main markers through which cycles of the sun and moon were followed and time was measured.

Here were discovered three stone markers for marking the places of rising the Sun in the days of winter solstice, summer solstice and equinox. There are also four markers to mark the locations of the moon rising in the days of greatest congestion of the moon in summer and in winter. Research in recent years shows that there are two stone markers that were used to measure the length of the lunar month. Widely known rule in astronomy is that the moon appears at the northernmost point of the sky every 18, 6 years so that the observations of its positions should be monitored at least for 40 years every 18.6 years. From all stone markers of Megalithic Observatory Kokino, marker of the summer solstice is well preserved, marker of spring and autumn equinox is slightly damaged and major damage suffered marker of winter solstice. These damages are most probably due to devastating earthquakes. 

Moon has a little more complicated movement and markings places of rising of the full moon on the horizon are very difficult. The simplest way is to say that during the winter it moves in the sky in places where the sun moves during the summer, and in summer on places in sky where the sun moves during winter. That's why around summer solstice marker and winter solstice marker, should be two markers on the left and on the right side, that indicate the locations of the rising of the full moon, and its characteristic extreme positions. These stone markers also exist on the territory of the ancient observatory. For this site to be observatory, should be filled one very important condition. All seven markers should be seen from the same place, or lines that pass through the markers should intersect at one point, which is the focal point of the observatory and which is also identified on the site. The oldest discovered marker on Kokino is from 1917 BC. The main priority of the environment (Kozjacka area) is the development of tourism. 

The large number of churches and monasteries, the abundance of cultural - historical monuments and archaeological sites, are tourist potential of this region. However, it remains underused, due to poor infrastructure. The interest of tourists to visit this area is great, but when you reach the site, you are left to nature. The difficulty on the roads and the lack of catering facilities are major issues that need to be overcome. Imposing ancient observatory (old about 4000 years) is confirmed by NASA, ranking it high on the fourth place on the list of this kind. Macedonia has been promoted in the world with Kokino and its duty is to make Kokino closer to visitors through various tourism projects. With inputting different means: construction of hotels, mountain lodges, antiques, setting road-signs, information boards and improved communication links, Kokino would become a pillar of the rural tourism. Kokino as well developed resort will contribute to the development of the poor and devastated Kozjachija area, providing the country promotion of Macedonia worldwide.

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