Almond trees grow naturally in Macedonia. They can be found on lower and rocky areas, but also almonds are industrially raised. Although it is considered tо belong to the group of nuts, almond (lat. Prunus amygdalus) is actually a member of the group of chestnuts fruits. In this sense, the almond is a close relative to plums, cherries, apricots and peaches.Almonds are useful and healthy foods that contain a lot of daily recommended amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber and amino-acids.100 g of almonds contain 22 g of carbohydrates of which 12 g of dietary fiber, which is 49 % of daily fiber required.

Almonds are an excellent source of minerals and vitamins. 100 grams of almonds contain:
  • 140% of the recommended daily amount of manganese
  • 75% magnesium
  • 60% copper
  • 50% phosphorus
  • 130% vitamin E
  • 51% Riboflavin (B2)

Prevention of heart attack
Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. It is the type of acid which is found in olive oil and which is important for the prevention of heart attack. Several studies have confirmed that daily consumption of almonds leads to reduced risk of heart attack between 30 and 45%.
According to studies, if you dispose unhealthy saturated fats from meat and milk and replace them with adequate amounts of beneficial fats from almonds, the risk of heart attack is reduced by 45%.
Control of blood sugar
Several studies are designed to determine the impact of the almond sugar level in the blood. Studies have shown that consumption of 60 to 90 grams of almonds a day corrects the sudden rise of blood sugar.
Antioxidants in almonds
Today's unhealthy lifestyle, produces free radicals in the body. They are recently known as the cause of many diseases and the most difficult ones - malignant. To reduce the amount of free radicals and the damage that they can cause, you need antioxidants. Vitamin E is one of the oxidants that will help you in this, and almond contains a large amount of this vitamin. 100 grams of almonds contains even 131% of daily body needs for vitamin E.

Healing properties of almond:
  • Protects against stroke and heart attack
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Lowers bad cholesterol
  • Improves brain function
  • Protects against free radicals
  • Helps weight loss
  • Prevents gallstones, excellent source of protein, contains healthy fats, vitamins and minerals

Almond milk
Almond milk is a great and healthy drink, especially if you have a problem with lactose from cow milk.

  • 1 cup almonds
  • 4-5 glasses of water
  • a little honey and agave syrup, if desired
  1. Leave almonds soaked in water overnight. In the morning drain and place in a blender. 
  2. Add water and blend until almonds are totally crushed. 
  3. All this, strain well and sweeten as desired.

Almond oil

Almond oil can be easily made, but you need a little patience
  1. Put 1-2 cups almonds in a blender. You can add a teaspoon or two of olive oil and a little salt. 
  2. The whole process takes 10-12 minutes, so you'll need more time to turn off and turn on the blender.
  3. Grid almonds until you get the structure of oil.
Almonds are also used in production of cakes and sweets.

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