Other names: wild dog rose, wild rose, dog rose, shepurnika, shipurina
Latin name: Rosa canina
English: Rose hip, Macedonian: shipka (шипка), shipinka (шипинка)

Rose hip is a permanent shrub with a height of 2 to 3 meters. In the first year appear straight branches that in the following years branch into multiple and withered hanging branches.The whole shrub is overgrown with sharp spines that are facing down. The leaves are odd feathers, gills with oval shaped and sharply serrated. The flowers are white to white-pinky color. The flowers are oval-shaped and contain a large number of hard seeds.
The flowers have a pleasing fragrance, and the fruits are with sour-sweet flavor. Seeds are odorless, but tea has many convenient fragrance.
Rose hip is widespread in Europe. You can find rose hip trees everywhere in Macedonia. In these parts it can be found in quite large quantities, and it grows in the hills, forests and other places. As a remedy are picked its fruits and flower petals.

It's a healing herb that mostly contains vitamin C. It is particularly important to say that with cooking, rose hip does not lose this vitamin. The tea is recommended for mothers during breastfeeding. Products from rose hip remove the so-called spring fatigue, paleness and reluctance, and any other problems associated with the lack of vitamin C.

It has also favorable effect on the digestive tract and excretion of urine without any irritation of the kidneys. Rose hip tea is recommended for prevention of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.
Also acts on the purification of blood, and is used in processes of inflammation of the kidney, bladder and nephrons. Flower petals of rose hips are used for preparing tea for bleeding from the stomach, intestines, lungs and hemorrhoids, and against diarrhea and gut cramps. Mixed with other herbs is used in the treatment of other diseases.

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