Today Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday of St. Great Martyr Dimitri or Mitrovden.

Mitrovden is a great Christian holiday dedicated to the holy martyr St. Demetrius, which is celebrated on November 8th. The holiday is celebrated in the whole Balkan Peninsula. Traditionally, Mitrovden is referred to the beginning of cold weather (winter). 

St. Dimitri was born in Solun (today Thessaloniki), in the third century. He was the only child of the Solun voivode. After the death of his father, the Caesar Maximilian set Dimitri on the same position as his father and especially recommended him to persecute the Christians. However, Dimitri not only hasn't prosecuted them, but confessed and preached faith in the risen Christ publicly. As soon as the Caesar heard about it, when returning from a march, went to Solun to investigate the matter. He called Dimitri who has not denied his faith and even persuaded Caesar in the senselessness of idolatry. Maximilian was angry and threw Dimitri in prison, and after several days Dimitri was killed. Some Christians took his body and buried it. On that place was erected a church and later a big church, which to this day is located in Thessaloniki. His relics are also located there.

Apart from the usual custom of wearing bread and wine in the church (which is bread is sanctified, this holiday is also celebrated in the family, and does not relate to any special rituals or rites. The evening before the holiday, the closer are invited with bread or some other object. On the day of glory is given lunch that serve greasy food, unless the holiday falls in the day when fasting. Also guests come and the next day in morning. Otherwise, all the people who called Dimitar, Dimitri, Dime Mitre, Mitra, Dimitra or some other variation, celebrate the name day, which is done at night.

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