The tradition continues, as every year, with the first day of March, many of the citizens put martenitsa on their hands or on the lapels. They believe that wearing martenitsa until 22 March will bring happiness in their lives.
Martenitsa (martinka) is a small ornament that our parents, aunts or grandmothers tied on our hands and are worn from March 1st until the end of the month, and according to other beliefs, martenitsa is tied on 14th of March. Martenitsa is an ornament made of hemp in red and white color. They are the symbol of Baba Marta (Grandma March), known to us as a harbinger of spring.

This tradition is also observed in neighboring Bulgaria (martenitsa) and Romania (martisor). Martenitsa, or red and white, symbolize the desire for good health and also announces coming of spring. According to some beliefs, the red color symbolizes blood and the white symbolizes purity, to another they symbolize life and death, then good and evil, and joy and sorrow in the life of one man.

One of the customs says that Martinka is received as a gift and that it is never bought for yourself, but it should be given to your loved ones and friends. It can be worn attached to the wardrobe or tied around the arm or neck. There are many beliefs about its removal, one being that when the first tree flourishes, martinka should be unchained and attach to it or when first common martin is seen, it should be removed from hand and placed under the first white stone, while in Bulgaria it is removed when they see the first stork and they hung it on a tree and make a wish.

There are many variants of this tradition and the symbol of Martenitsa. We do our best to preserve this tradition, which gives joy to many, especially to children. Symbol of new life, conception, fertility and, above all, a new spring. Colors that symbolize purity and harmony in life and the lives of loved ones.

Welcome to Baba Marta, and you, don't forget to give away at least one martenitsa.

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