The customs and traditions that come with the birth of the baby are different everywhere, and so in our country. Namely, our country has interesting customs and traditions that some mothers decide to follow, but for some of them, these beliefs are nonsense and of course, they decide to ignore them.

What prompted me to open this topic is the talk that if you're pregnant and you're a Macedonian woman, you are pressured and even forced to stick to some customs in order to have a good and a healthy pregnancy and you'll give a birth to a healthy newborn. It's interesting that even today, in the 21st century, people still believe in things based on superstitions. After a certain research, I'll present you some of these beliefs and it's up to you to decide whether they make sense for you or not.
Me being 8 months pregnant with my firstborn child

When pregnant
  • You shouldn't tell anyone (except your partner and the closest family) about your pregnancy for 3 months. It is believed that if you announce your pregnancy before that, you may experience a miscarriage.
  • You can't go to a cemetery nor at a funeral.
  • Be careful not to steal something or take something without someone sees you. If you take something, you should tell. You shouldn't "steal" even a plum from a yard, because the baby will be born with a body mark with the shape of the stolen object on the first place you touch yourself afterwards (people really, I mean REALLY believe this).
  • It is not allowed to give something to a pregnant woman by throwing it to her.
  • When birth pains begin, the pregnant woman should have a shower and while showering, she should drop an egg from the neck down to break, not turn around to see and clean it and shouldn't tell anyone.
  • The mother of the pregnant woman shouldn't know when her daughter is giving birth, because mothers are always afraid for the daughters and always thought of the worst.
After giving birth
  • Mother in law prepares mekici (type of fried dough) immediately after baby was born. Mekici are combined with sugar, so the child will have a sweet life and are given to close people, relatives, neighbors and in the hospital among the medical stuff where the baby was born.
  • After the baby is born, grandmothers go to church and take a little prayer and baptized water for the baby. Baptized water is poured in the water in which the baby baths and the mother should drink from it. If baptized water remains on the last 40th day, then it is poured in the ground.
  • Mother and the baby are not aloud to leave the home (if not necessary) for 40 days. In general, almost in all cities throughout Macedonia are respected the 40 days when the mother and the baby should not leave home nor should be visited. After 40 days, the mother and baby take a big prayer in the church and after that they visit 3 houses.
  • During these 40 days the mother is considered "unclean", so there must be no intimate relationship with her husband.
  • Also, after the 40th day, the baby can be visited by other people. The reason why they are waiting for 40 days is usually protection against any infections.
  • During the 40 days, the mother must not dry clothes outside after sunset and must not come out after sunset.
  • When it comes to visiting a baby, girls must not have a monthly cycle, so that the baby does not get a rash.
  • Also, guests mustn't come in the evening, only during the day, because if they come when it's dark, then they can bring the child dark and thus magic and spirits. 
  • During the 40 days, the mother must not say "good bye", she mustn't take out anything from the house nor walk someone to the door so to keep her milk.

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