Many families consider St. Nicholas (Macedonian:Sveti Nikola) as their home patron and celebrate this day with a great attention. Although, the day of his demise on December 19th is more celebrated and known as St. Nicholas - Winter, great attention is also given to the date of transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra in Bari on May 22, a holiday known as St. Nicholas - Summer.

St. Nicholas or St. Nicholas the miracle maker, Archbishop of Myra is considered the patron of the seas. Christian ships usually keep an icon of the saint and on the day of the feast, all ships stop wherever they are located, they throw the anchor into the sea, sailors pray and celebrate all day and continue sailing the next day. The iconic St Nicholas is represented with his bishop robe.

St. Nicholas was born in, Patara, Lycia, Minor Asia, about the year 270, the only child of his parents Theophanes and Nina. At his baptism he was named Nikola, which means "winner". As a child, he approached with great enthusiasm to study the Scripture.
His spiritual life acquired through his uncle who was also a cleric, so he became a monk in the monastery New Zion. After the death of his parents, Nicholas sold the entire property and divided the profit among the poor. While he was a priest in his own village, he became known for his charitable deeds.

At the time of Emperor Diocletian and Maximilian, when the Christian population was persecuted, tortured and imprisoned, that same thing happened to him. With the coming to power of Constantine I, the persecution of Christians stopped and they received and equal place in the Roman Empire at the same time. He attended the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, where he advocated for the introduction of the holy trinity. Due to great anger, he attacked the Alexandrian priest Arius. After this, he was accused of heresy, he was banished from the council and was denied further attendance at meetings. According to Christian tradition, St. Nicholas was approved at the church meetings again because of the appearance of God among selected bishops saying that they have committed a great injustice.

While he was alive, people considered him a saint and called upon to help the sick, the afflicted and infirm. Christians believe that he helped everyone and that great light glowed from his face.When he got very old, he became ill and died on 6 December 343.

The cult of St. Nicholas has been known since the 6th century and the oldest biography of him comes from the 9th century. He was considered the protector of the entire population around the world are therefore he's highly appreciated not only from Orthodox, but also from Catholics. For the same reasons, even Turks adored him in the past and called him Neol Baba (meaning great father).

The St. Nicholas is the patron of the city of Prilep, according to the decision of the municipality of Prilep.
Also Sveti Nikole celebrate their city holiday on this day too.

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