Although green tea is one of the most popular teas lately, black tea is a tea that has a long tradition and proven quality. Black tea is among the best-selling teas in Western countries, and in fact, as scientists say, it's a born brother of green tea and the two teas originate from the herb Camellia sinensis. From this herb, except green and black, also is obtained a white tea and all three have a great influence on the body. I've learned lately that they have a fourth brother named oolong tea.

I've been in a different periods of my life, for many years I drank green tea, then I switched to white tea, then again the green tea and now I'm obsessed with black tea :) If you visit Skopje Old Bazaar, you can drink this tea in many coffee shops there in an authentic surrounding. Some places in Bitola (my town) also offer black tea on their menu.
Generally,  black teas are named after the region in which they are produced, so we're basically talking here about Indian tea, Turkish tea, Chinese tea, Ceylon tea - you can find it under these names.

Black tea, compared with its brothers, contains the largest amount of caffeine, which means that this tea is an ideal substitute for coffee and energy drinks. The healing properties of black tea have been examined on several occasions. In almost all exams it has been confirmed that it has an excellent effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels, scientists say it is particularly beneficial that it prevents inflammation of blood vessels that prevents many diseases.
A Boston University School of Medicine made a study where was conducted a group of patients who had heart disease and had to drink 4 cups of black tea daily, while the control group, also patients with heart disease, should not have had black tea. After a month's university examinations, black tea patients showed a 50% improvement in cardiovascular and cardiovascular health compared to those who did not consume it, and also from a group of high-risk patients for a heart attack fell into the group of patients with moderate risk.
Except for improving the function of the heart, this tea is excellent for improving the brain function, and the function and health of the lungs. Scientists say it's a great drink that you need to use during a period of physical or psychic activity, because it gives concentration, energy and improves the reflex, making it a drink that is good for drivers. If we talk about antioxidants, we can say that they may be contained a little less than of those in green tea, and remember that they have a key role in maintaining the body, slowing down aging and protecting against cancer.
For black tea, you can still write a lot, we wrote the basic features of it, if you are currently wondering whether to drink green or black tea? We will answer you, choose by yourself, both are great.

How to prepare it?

As a general rule, 2.25g tea (one teaspoon) is used for every 180 ml of boiling water. Keep tea leaves for 5 minutes then drain. Add sugar as wanted, 1 tsp is enough.

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