Goat cheese has its day of celebration, June 25th. In this direction, we present the little-known facts about this product, as well as its impact on human health.
In Europe is grown about 3% of the total goat population in the world, but due to modern approaches, excellent nutrition conditions, advanced technology and many dairy breeds, this small percentage of goats gives as much as 17% of the world's total goat milk production.
Goat cheese has high nutritional value, it's easy to digest, has less calories and fat compared to other cheeses, and is rich in protein, calcium, contains riboflavin and vitamin B2. It also abounds with fibers that accelerate metabolism and help in the melting of fatty deposits. It is especially recommended in pregnancy, for athletes and individuals who are exposed to physical exertion. Goat cheese proteins are absorbed very well and directly provide energy and amino acids to the muscles, so they quickly recover after training and other strenuous activities.

10 liters of milk are needed to produce 1 kilogram of goat cheese, which is twice as much for getting the same amount of cow cheese. It is recommended as a substitute for the meat and diet of children because it is abundant with minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Goat cheese contains tryptophan, an acid known as a natural sedative. This suppository stimulates the secretion of serotonin, the famous hormone of happiness, and instead of using other stimulations, slice some goat cheese. You will improve your mood, you will overcome the need for food, and you will not encumber the body with unnecessary fat. Goat cheese reduces sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood, and contains about one third less calories and unwanted fat than standard cow cheese.

Today there are over 600,000,000 goats in the world.
In our country there are no statistics on the number and condition of goats, but according to the free estimates of some experts, it is estimated that there are about 200,000 goats.

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