The Holy Orthodox Church celebrates three persons with the same name Paraskeva-Petka, which is why the people often are being confused and think that they are the same person. Most often, the three identify with St. Petka Epivatska, also known as Trnovska, whose memorial is celebrated on October 27-14. They got the name because they were born on Friday (Petka is derived from the word Petok meaning Friday) and Friday, the day before Saturday, was a day of preparation for the feast. In the pre-Christian period of the Jews, the Sabbath was a holiday, not Sunday. Hence, Paraskeva means preparation.
The first Saint Petka is the venerable Martyr Paraskeva of Rome. It is celebrated on July 26th / August 8th and among the people is known as summer Saint Petka.
In her life story is written that her parents were Romans and that she, as an only daughter, was born after long and sincere prayers to God. She became a monk early and later, as many others, suffered for the faith of Christ during the reign of Antoninus. The Emperor himself was also involved in her torture, but when she was thrown into a boiler with hot oil and tar, she remained unharmed, and some of the liquid slammed into the eyes of the emperor, after which he was blinded. Paraskeva prayed to God and he recovered. Seeing her sufferings, and the miracles that took place through her mediation, many received the Christian faith. Because of this, she was cut with a sword, and later her relics were conveyed to Constantinople. She is painted on the icons holding a dish with eyes in the dish.

The second is the Holy Martyr Parasceva of Iconium, Asia Minor, who died martyrdom during Diocletian's.

The most famous is Paraskeva-Petka, known as St. Petka Epivatska or Trnovska.

In memory of Venerable Paraskeva Petka Trnovska, the Holy Orthodox Church established the feast that is celebrated every year on October 27-14, and which is known in the people as Petkovden. Petkovden is considered as the beginning of the winter holidays that follow such as Mitrovden, St. Gorgija, Archangel, St. Nikola and others.

The people in some cases do not differentiate between the three Paraskevs - Petka's, but most often identify them with only one Petka, most often with St. Petka Trnovska, but the character of these saints is respected and celebrated with domestic services and large gatherings and fairs.

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