The author of the text is Vlado Maleski, and author of the music Todor Skalovski. It was written in 1941. After the end of the Second World War, it was adopted as a hymn of SR Macedonia within the former Yugoslavia, and after the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, on August 11, 1992, it was declared an anthem of independent Macedonia. Over time, the text of the anthem has undergone various changes, with three versions of it - today's version, the original anthem and the first official anthem performed differing from the first in just one line. In terms of the original text of 1941, the names of Nikola Karev and Dimitar Vlahov have been omitted, and the name of Dame Gruev  has been added.

 DENES NAD MAKEDONIJA - na Makedonski Jazik 

Denes nad Makedonija se ragja 
novo sonce na slobodata 
Makedoncite se borat 
za svoite pravdini! 
Makedoncite se borat 
za svoite pravdini! 

Odnovo sega znameto se vee 
na Krushevskata Republika 
Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli 
Dame Gruev, Sandanski! 
Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli 
Dame Gruev, Sandanski! 

Gorite Makedonski shumno peat 
novi pesni, novi vesnici 
Makedonija slobodna 
slobodna zhivee! 
Makedonija slobodna 
slobodna zhivee! 


Today over Macedonia, is born 
the new sun of liberty 
The Macedonians fight 
for their own rights! 
The Macedonians fight 
for their own rights! 

For now on, the flag flies 
(that) of the Krushevo Republic 
Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli 
Dame Gruev, Sandanski! 
Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli 
Dame Gruev, Sandanski! 

The burning Macedonian forests sing 
(of) new songs, new news 
Macedonia is liberated 
Liberty lives! 
Macedonia is liberated 
Liberty lives! 

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