The Birth of Holy Mother of God is one of the greatest holidays of the Holy Orthodox Church and it's celebrated on 21st of September. Although this holiday is considered the beginning of all holidays, however, it began to be celebrated much later. After paganism had weakened, Christians, besides Jesus Christ, could also give deserved recognition to his mother.

The people believe that the Most Holy Mother of God is a protector of mothers in general and especially of young mothers, because women who are giving birth are praying to her to help them to give birth more easily. It is also believed that she also helps women who do not have children. Therefore, such women go to the churches dedicated to the Mother of God and pray in front of her icons.

Macedonian people as all Christians celebrate holidays dedicted to the Holy Mother of God with much care. She is celebrated in folk arts, both in the poetic and in the prose world, as well as in the folk beliefs and folk customs.

Therefore, a large number of churches throughout Macedonia carry her name, and besides church ceremonies, the people celebrate this holiday with folk gatherings, fairs, etc. which in the past lasted for several days. Thus, the Macedonian people, with more or less festivities, but always with a worthy attention, celebrate several holidays related to the name of the Most Holy Theotokos: Small and Great Mother of God, Introduction to the Holy Mother of God (a holiday also known as Sveta Prechista), Annunciation, Blagoveshtenie, Gathering of the Holy Mother of God etc.

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