This is one of the tastiest dishes in the world! I promise. One of my favorite too. It took me a while to improve the recipe and bring it to this point. I've experimented with the ingredients and this combination is ideal for me.
Obligatory, you'll need bread sticks for this dish. The recipe for the bread is here.

  •    150-200 g chicken steak
  •    250 ml sour cream with 20% fat
  •    50 g of bacon
  •    70 g soft cheese for pizza
  •     2 pickles
  •     spices: salt, Vegeta, little black pepper


  1. Cut chicken into small pieces, add Vegeta and black pepper and fry. In the end, add the sliced bacon to fry shortly, just to release grease and give that great aroma.
  2. Chop pickles into small pieces.
  3. Put the meat and the pickles into an earthenware dish, add the sour cream and mix all well. Add grated cheese on top and put to bake at highest temperature until the cheese melts and starts to get some color.
  4. Serve warm with bread sticks.

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