This dish is something I've been wanting to make for a long time, so here it is today. A wonderful specialty that is not only good looking but also delicious. It tastes similar like a chicken roll in bacon (uvijach). And it looks great on the table even in more solemn occasion. I didn't have any solemn occasion today, just a regular family lunch where every member of the family was thrilled with the food.

  •     500 g chicken steak
  •     2 eggs
  •     200 ml cooking cream
  •     3 tablespoons flour
  •     150 g of soft grated cheese
  •     vegeta, black pepper and dried parsley
  •    150 g smoked bacon on strips

  1. Cut chicken meat into smaller pieces, add vegeta and black pepper and put to fry. Finally add a few slices of bacon and fry it with the chicken.
  2. In another bowl mix eggs, neutral cream, add flour, grated cheese, dried parsley and mix.
  3. In a kuglof, arrange the pieces of bacon, make sure there are no gaps in between.
  4. Place the meat mixture over the bacon, cover with foil and bake for about half an hour at 200 C degrees. Then remove the foil and allow to bake for 5 more  minutes.
  5. Allow the kuglof to cool slightly before serving, then flip it over to a serving plate. You can put anything in the middle, I put ajvar.

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