Christmas, together with Easter, are the most important Christian holidays. Days around Christmas are the most heart-warming days of the year. In those days, families gather together in order to joyfully celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Or as we say, wherever you are, be home for Christmas. One question that bothers people every year around Christmas is why some Christians celebrate it on 25th of December and some celebrate on 7th of January?
 The difference between Orthodox and Catholic Christmas is quite simply an issue about dates and the use of old and new calendar. In 1582, the Latin Pope Gregory of Rome proposed a change in calendar. He offered the Gregorian calendar, which was different from the old, Julian calendar by 13 days. This was adopted by the Western religious institutions, but the Orthodox Church did not agree and continued to use the Julian calendar, constructed by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. Therefore, while the West celebrates the birth of Christ on the 25th December (according to the Gregorian Calendar), the Orthodox Church, in accordance with the Julian Calendar, celebrate Christmas on the 7th January. In theory, they are the same day but on two different calendars!

Macedonians, as Orthodox Christians, celebrate Christmas on 7th of January. Christmas is celebrated on this date in all countries where the predominant population is orthodox or is declared Orthodox. Besides Macedonia, it is also celebrated on this date in Serbia, Belarus, Montenegro, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, Israel, Georgia, Moldova, Eritrea and Egypt. Greece, Bulgaria and Ukrain changed this date and started celebrating Christmas as the rest of the world - on 25th of Decembers. It is told, that all countries that still use the old calendar will begin to use the new one eventually and years from now, we'll all celebrate Christmas on the same date.
Merry Chrismas to all!

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