One of the easiest and quickest meals to prepare is a plate of homemade pasta (kori). This pasta cooks quicker than other pasta bought in the market.
The making of homemade pasta isn't that simple though, but when you make one dosage, you'll have pasta for the whole year.
All procedure of how to make homemade pasta is HERE. We regularly prepare kori every year, they are incomparable in taste with Italian pasta and my kids love them.
My favorite way of using kori is boiled in water with some milk and I add feta cheese after serving.
I never measure how much kori or water I use, so I'll just present to you my way of preparation.

Put water in a larger saucepan with some salt to boil. Don't put as much water as you do when boiling regular pasta, kori doesn't need that much water.
When water is boiling, add crushed kori. If needed add more water or pour out if there's a lot of water.
Homemade pasta needs several minutes to cook, stir occasionally.
In the end, add some milk, about 150 ml. Let simmer a little then remove from the hotplate. The milk should be visible and pasta mustn't stay without liquid. Don't worry, it will soak all the liquid afterward. As you can see on the picture, the pasta looks dry even though when I served it, it was all in liquid :)
Serve warm and add crushed feta cheese on top.

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