Topenica is a traditional Macedonian specialty characterized by the Polog region. In Tetovo it is called Topenjca, while in Gostivar it is known as Toptanjca / Tuptanjca. It is used as a meal during fasting, but is also used as a fat meal. Because of its simplicity in making, it can be often found on the table.
  •     1 kg of flour
  •     1⁄2 l of boiling water
  •     1 tablespoon salt
  •     1 teaspoon baking soda
  •     oil
  1. The water is put to boil. The flour is mixed with soda and salt and mixed with boiling water. Mix it first with a spoon because it is hot and then the dough is made by hand. 
  2. Make about 20 balls of dough and roll out a small crust from each. Coat each crust (except the last one) with oil and line up one on other. 
  3. Roll out 1 crust using a rolling pin. The size of the crust should be as the baking pan.
  4. Then, put to bake until it turns red at 180-200 C degrees. 
  5. It is removed from the oven and using two forks torn to pieces on smaller or larger pieces as desired, then served.

    The oily version does the same procedure but uses pork fat. Finally, after the bread is torn to pieces, it is po
    ured with boiled pork fat (about 200 ml) and served.

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