This is the best recipe for fast burek with phyllo layers, prepared at home, delicious and tasty, close to the one you buy from a bakery store.  I have previously posted the same recipe, only with spinach and cheese, but since many of you have asked me how I prepare the minced meat filling, I decided to rewrite the procedure. This recipe is the closest to the burek bought from a bakery. Please consider buying good phyllo layers for pie and use a non stick baking pan.
  • 500 g ready phyllo layers for pie
For coating: 
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 200 ml mineral sparkling water
  • 100 ml oil
  • 1 full tbs yogurt
 Mix everything together.

For filling:
  • 400 g minced meat
  • 1 head chopped onion
  • salt and black pepper to taste
Shortly fry chopped onion, then add minced meat, fry well, at the end add salt and black pepper, try some to see if it's salty enough and set aside.

  1. Coat baking tray with oil (size 28 or what you have) and heat up the oven to 200 C degrees. I use non stick Delimano and I never coat it with oil.
  2. Arrange first 2 crusts and let the ends be outside the pan. Sprinkle each crust with the coating mixture. 
  3. Then arrange 3 more crusts, but place them wrinkled in the tray and again sprinkle each with the mixture.
  4. Then apply from filling (I used 1/3rd here).
  5. Then again put 3 wrinkled crusts one by one, sprinkle each with coating mixture and apply from the filling and do this until all layers are finished. 
  6. Close burek with the ends from the first 2 crusts and coat with the rest of the mixture.
  7. Bake for about 30 to 40 minutes until it gets a beautiful brown/golden color.
  8. When burek is baked, leave it for several minutes, then flip it over to another tray or a plate.
    Cut and serve warm.

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