We show you the basic recipe for making old, good homemade soap, as well as ways to improve it in smell and look
You probably remember how our grandmothers used to cook homemade soap and pour it into molds to use in the household, most of all for washing clothes, especially the underwear. Even today, the old, traditional recipe for homemade soap is preserved and used in many households, especially in the countryside, where housewives claim that it cannot be replaced by any industrial product. And don't forget - homemade soap does not dry and dandruff skin like most soaps! 
We show you a basic recipe for making old, good homemade soap, as well as ways you can improve its smell and look.
Homemade soap is made of two components - lard and base, and is produced by the reaction of these two compounds. Therefore, you need:

  • 50 milliliters of water,
  • 100 grams of lard and
  • 1 tablespoon of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide crystal)
  1. Put the lard to dissolve in a larger pot. In a special small bowl, mix sodium hydroxide in 50 milliliters of water, then pour in the dissolved fat. When handling sodium hydroxide, use caution and make sure that children are not nearby so that they don't accidentally spill it.
  2. You need to stir for half an hour, until a thick mass is obtained. You will know that it is cooked when you dip the knife in soap and when the mass around the knife hardens immediately.
  3. In the past, boiled soap was poured into a hole-shaped crate lined with a wet cloth so that the water from the soap could drain through the holes. When cooled, the soap was separated from the cloth and cut with a large knife into pieces of the desired size.
You can enrich this homemade soap with various ingredients such as olive and coconut oil, lavender, rosemary,  yogurt, honey, as well as coffee beans, oats and rye if you like the effect of exfoliation. The most beautiful scent will be served with grated orange and lemon peel, carrots, pumpkin, vanilla and cocoa powder. The essential oils are added to the soap mixture while it is still hot, or while it is still cooking, and you can put the other ingredients in the molds before pouring the soap.

For molds, you can use the shapes you want, from cookie molds, children's plastic sand toys, muffin molds, to cans and plastic soap boxes.

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