If you are in a hurry and need pizza dough, this dough is great!
It is made in 5 minutes, spread immediately, put the desired ingredients on top and bake. The given quantities are for 2 medium pizzas or 1 large pizza baked in the baking tray that comes with the oven.

You'll see in the recipe that it requires yogurt. Many time I've explained that our Macedonian yogurt is liquid, and the yogurt sold worldwide is thick, so because of that, you can add a little water in your yogurt to reduce density or add less flour than written in the recipe. Experiment! 

  • 1 cup yogurt
  • 2 and a half cups of flour
  • 1sachet baking powder (10 g)
  • 5 tablespoons oil
  • half a teaspoon of salt
*cup size is 250 ml
  1. Mix all the ingredients by first adding 2 cups of flour, then add more if needed. Knead the dough with a mixer for a few minutes, then process it by hand just to form a ball.
  2. Arrange it nicely on a floured pan, press with your hands, it should be thinner on the inside and thicker on the outside. Put your favorite topping and bake immediately. First 10 minutes at maximum heat, then reduce the heat at 200 C degrees and let it bake for 5--10 minutes more.
  3. Cheers.

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