K E F I R - Healthy fungus from the Caucasus

 What is kefir?

Kefir is a delicious and nutritious diary drink, originating from the Caucasus. Kefir is a thick, liquid, milky drink made by mixing cow's, sheep's or goat's milk and kefir fungus that stays in milk for about 2 days. This results in the fermentation of the milk. In the fermentation process, various aromatic substances are formed, and kefir is rich in vitamins B and E. This creamy drink has a sour taste. Kefir fungus can grow as much as a walnut, has a rubbery appearance like cauliflower and consists of proteins, fats and polysaccharides that produce various bacteria. This fungus multiplies rapidly, and its mass can double in just 14 days. For those who are on a vegan diet, kefir can also be used as a beverage, but only one that is made from water and not milk. In that case, when the kefir fungi are added to the water, a little brown sugar and peeled lemon are added. 

Kefir fungus

Composition of milk kefir

  • Microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria and yeast 
  • Ingredients that occur during fermentation - carbonic acid and ethyl alcohol 
  • Nutrients - proteins and polysaccharides 
  • Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D. 
  • Minerals - calcium, iron, iodine 
  • Water 

Why use kefir? 

1. To restore the internal ecosystem of the body after using antibiotics 

2. Regulates blood pressure 

3. Relieves inflammation in the body 

4. Positively affects immunity 

5. Helps with circulation 

6. Cures heart disease and breaks down cholesterol 

7. Treats diseased kidneys and renal pathways 

8. Regulates laxity and fatigue caused by stress 

 9. It's an ally in the fight against Candida 

10. Food poisoning can also be successfully treated with kefir 

What is the difference between kefir and yogurt? 

  • Kefir contains important bacteria that are not present in yogurt. 
  • Kefir contains yeasts that make the body more resistant to Escherichia coli and intestinal parasites. Active yeast in kefir has twice the effect on the digestive system, unlike yogurt 
  • Kefir contains much more calcium and magnesium, which are minimal in yogurt 
  • Kefir is rich in phosphorus, which is not found in yogurt 
  • Trypophan, a substance found only in kefir, has the ability to relax the nervous system 
  • Kefir is great for healthy weight loss, so if you are struggling with excess weight, try importing kefir in your diet.

Preparation of kefir

It is important to note that industrially produced kefir is not made with the help of kefir fungus, but with hops and cultures of bacteria that give the drink the same taste, but not the same quality. Therefore, it is best to prepare kefir at home. Preparing kefir is really simple. All you need is milk and kefir fungus, ie kefir grains. Traditionally, metal plates and spoons are not used to prepare kefir, as they can reduce the healing effect of the drink. For half a liter of kefir you need two tablespoons of kefir grains and any milk (cow, sheep, goat). The milk can be uncooked or boiled, but not hot. It is recommended that milk  contains at least 2.8% fat - the higher the fat content of milk, the better the kefir. 


Pour the milk into a glass or plastic container. I use a glass jar with a plastic lid which I don't fully close. Put grains in the milk. Cover (for example, with a plate), and leave at room temperature for 24 hours. The room temperature mustn't be higher than 30 C (86 F) degrees. Within 24 hours the liquid will thicken. You can mix it occasionally in order to check the density. After that, the kefir needs to be filtered (it is recommended to use a plastic strainer). Kefir grains need to be washed with cold or lukewarm water. If you don't plan to use it for a day or two, then leave it in the refrigerator, in cold water or milk for a day or two (until the next use). For everyday use, put washed kefir fungus in the container and add milk. Strain and wash the fungus the next day. Repeat the procedure every day.

Strained and washed kefir
Kefir grains will multiply very quickly, which will allow you to get a larger amount of drink. The amount of kefir preparation increases in proportion to the amount of grains. You can drink the drink in order to maintain health and vitality every day. It is recommended to start with 1 dl and gradually increase the amount. For therapeutic purposes, one liter of kefir should be drunk daily.
Fermentation of milk and kefir after 24 hours

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