My mom taught me to make wafers since I was a kid. And I love her recipe (recipe is here) and I thought it's the best until I found out this one, a little different one. The jaffa cakes give a special flavor, I never imagined I could include them in this combination. It's a must try recipe. And they look good just as they taste good.

  • 400 ml milk (1 and 2/3 cups)
  • 200 g crystal sugar (7 oz)
  • 100 g cooking chocolate (3,5 oz)
  • 250 g butter (8,8 oz)
  • 100 g coconut flour (3,5 oz)
  • 500 g ground biscuits (17.5 oz)
  • 300 g jaffa cakes
  • 2 sheets of larger wafers
  1. Boil milk, sugar, chocolate and butter in a saucepan at medium heat and mix until everything is well combined. Leave to cool a little, then add coconut flour and ground biscuits. Mix well the resulting filling.
  2. Take 1 wafer sheet and apply half of the filling, arrange the jaffa biscuits over the filling, coat with the other half of the filling and cover with the remaining wafer.
  3. Put something heavy on top and leave in the fridge until the wafer is firm.
  4. Cut into bars or cubes the next day.

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