This dish was a real challenge for me, since I was preparing it for the first time. Usually, it's served in restaurants as a specialty and not all restaurants serve it, probably because the preparation time is long, about 3 hours (oh well, 2 hours are for baking). My husband loves this dish and he orders this many times when we go out for lunch. I can't say that it's a food that looks very good, not photogenic I would say...but the taste...those long hours of slow baking in its own juices, make the meat so soft and tender, you'll love it! I combined it with vegetables and roasted everything together. Check the step-by-step preparation process below. This dish serves 2 adults.


• 2 pork knuckles (1.5 kg or about 53 oz)

• 100 g of flour (3-4 tbs for dipping the pork_

• 150 g strips of smoked bacon (5 oz)

• parsley

• 4 larger carrots

• 2 cloves garlic

• 2-3 tablespoons tomato puree

• 1 piece of celery root 

• 2 larger heads of onions

• half a cup of white wine 

• 1 liter water (4 cups)

• oil

• vegetable seasoning and ground black pepper

• sliced fresh mushrooms (optional)


  1. Add vegetable seasoning and black pepper to the pork knees. 

  2. Roll them in flour and fry in heated oil in a sauce pan on the stove. 
  3. When they turn brown on all sides, take them out of the pan and place them on a plate.
  4. Finely chop the onion heads and fry on the remaining fat in the pan on the stove. 
  5. Cut celery root and carrot into cubes, add to the pan with softened onion. 
  6. Cut strips of bacon into pieces, and finely chop the garlic cloves and add them to the pan. If you add mushrooms, add them in the end to shortly fry.
  7. When the ingredients are fried, add the tomato puree and wine. Pour 1 liter of water, salt or 1 tbs vegetable seasoning and pepper. 
  8. When the contents of the pan boil, transfer to a ceramic dish or other dish with lid (I used a 2 pieces set of baking tray). Arrange the fried knuckles over. Coarsely chop the parsley and add it to the dish. 
  9. Cover and place in the oven. Bake for 2 hours at 200 C (390 F) degrees.
  10. After 2 hours. remove the tray from the oven, remove the lid.

  11. Serve one gourmet knuckle and add the sauce aside. Decorate with celery leaves.

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