This is a classic Macedonian donuts recipe which always works and typically includes flour, yeast, milk and eggs. And oh yeah, I'm patenting the name :) The interesting thing is that you can use the same dough to make other pastries. I used half the dough to make kifli and the other half to make donuts. If you make kifli, when spreading the crust, coat it with butter, then form kifli.

The good thing in this recipe is that donuts turn out hollow inside so you can fill them with any desired filling.


  • 1 kg of flour, (35 oz)
  • 220 ml of lukewarm milk, (unfull cup)
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar,
  • 40 g of fresh yeast, (1.4 oz) or 2 bags dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon of salt,
  • 350 ml of milk (1 and 2/5 cup)
  • 2 eggs
  • 5-6 tbs oil
  1. Mix the 220 ml lukewarm milk, sugar and yeast in a small bowl. Wait until the yeast is activated and starts to foam.
  2. Mix the yeast mixture in a larger dish with the rest of the ingredients and mix well. You should get a soft and smooth dough, similar to pizza dough. If it's too dry, add some water and if it's too sticky, add flour. You can freely use the mixer with dough attachments.
  3. Coat dough with 1 tbs of oil and cover with stretch foil and leave on a warm place for at least 1 hour to double its size.
  4. After dough has well risen, put it on a floured surface, add a little flour on top and spread a crust 1 finger thick.
  5. Cut off circles with a glass and leave them for another 20 minutes.
  6. Then fry donuts in plenty of hot oil on both sides until well fried. They should rise during frying in a ball shape.
  7. Serve warm with your favorite filling, I used powdered sugar and chocolate syrup.

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