I often buy salad dressing, I love it in combination with lettuce, avocado, tomato and arugula. Even spinach. So once in a lack of dressing, I decided to make it at home. And really, I made a delicious dressing which from then on, I always use in mixed salads as in the picture. The preparation is very simple with the advantage that I almost always keep garlic spread paste in the fridge. If you do not have one, you can substitute it with a mixture of crushed garlic and cream cheese. The dose is for one bigger salad.


  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • 1 full teaspoon thick garlic paste
  • juice of 1 squeezed lemon
  • salt
  • spices: dill, dried parsley and black pepper 


Just mix all the ingredients until you get a fine textured dressing and apply it on your salad. For the best taste, spread roasted sesame seeds or mixture of roasted seeds over the dressing. Enjoy the new way of eating your salad <3 

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