One piece, one bite. This baklava is probably one of the best I've ever made! Crunchy on the outside and juicy in the inside with all that syrup spreading in your mouth...heavenly. And since it's that much beautiful, I told myself that I won't make it anymore because I take a bite at each opening of the fridge. And I do open the fridge many times a day.

I used tea biscuits called "plasma". If you don't have them in your place, use butter tea biscuits, good quality.


  • 500 g baklava filo layers (14 to 16)
  • 250 g melted butter or margarine
  • 300 g crushed / chopped walnuts
  • 100 g crushed plasma tea biscuits
  • oil as needed for sprinkling


  • 700 g sugar
  • 550 ml of water
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Melt the butter and add the crushed walnuts and biscuits and mix. This will be your filling.
  2. Take one filo layer and sprinkle it with oil. Put another crust above. Finally, put from the butter filling at one end and wrap crusts in a roll. 
  3. Repeat the procedure with all the crusts. 
  4. Arrange the prepared rolls on a large, greased, rectangular pan. 
  5. Before baking, sprinkle baklava with oil and cut into small pieces.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C (350 F) degrees, until nicely browned. Usually, baking time is about 30 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare the syrup. Let the sugar and water boil together for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool then add the vanilla.
  8. After baking the baklava, leave it to cool. I sprinkled the lukewarm baklava with lukewarm syrup to keep the pieces crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Otherwise the rule is one to be hot, the other cold. 
  9. Leave to soak and the next day it is ready for consumption. Store in the refrigerator in a box or covered with foil.


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